Wednesday, 28 March 2007

SciFest Diary - Day 6

Dear diary

Just kidding, I've been wanting to do that for a while. No, seriously. This morning at our news meeting that ironically very few people actually manage to attend, Jude and I changed the 'Women in Science' story and came up with something so much better. It's the 'DNA Detective', which stems from a workshop conducted by research scientist Valerie Corfield about DNA and how DNA is used in forensics to solve crimes and paternity suits. The story will be an article with extensive hypermediality and a gallery of photgraphs with captions. The story does not necessarily lend itself to a photostory. The workshop is held daily from 9:00 - 10:30, so Hayley and I will attend it tomorrow morning.

Today, our mission has been to collect proper photgraphs that are not grainy and blurry from lack of battery power. I also managed to get some more information to flash out my article slightly. I then did my daily trek up to the labs and proceeded to put the finishing touches on my article. Jude had few words of criticism which is not so much comforting as it was disturbing and slightly eerie. Has the pressure finally got to him? Stay tuned to find out whether or not Jude CRACKS!!! By the end of today, our audio photostory for the Gupta article needs a little more work. The audio is currently sitting in Lauren's cupboard at her house. But, the good news is the article is done.


1 comment:

newmediajude said...

Ahem. What were my disturbing and eerie comments pray tell. I had been sleep deprived and slightly forgetful due to a deficient diet. Drop me an email. Enquiring mind want to know.