Thursday, 17 May 2007

I just got published!!!

Hi guys! I am so excited that my translat@thon article got published on Have a look! So, one article down and three more to go. for my next article, which will be a video story on Rape Awareness Week at good ole rhodes. I will be pairing up with fellow journo Galen (who dated Galen) to cover a march that is happening tomorrow between 13:00 and 14:00. We will be collecting the raw material together, but will edit and write our own articles.

And now onto other news ... you may have noticed something different about my blog. Well - it's been given a COMPLETE makeover - even the address is different. The purpose of this sudden shift in personality is part of my semester long project where I blog on issues around citizen media. While I will still have my other journalistic rants every now and then, the majority of my posts will focus on citizen media - so come along and have a read!



Brad Whittington said...

Your link to "" is broken because you wrote http//.... instead of http://...

Congrats again, a job well done ;)

ntk said...

Well done Mel!