Friday, 30 March 2007

SciFest Diary - Day 8

Well, Scifest is officially over, and the articles are done. You can see my third multimedia package at What you going to do with all that junk?. There is a technical glitch with my DNA article, something to do with the content management system not allowing any form of hypermediality, photographs or credits. This is a problem that Jude says he will have to evaluate. But, the article is complete.

Today, while Hayley finished up the audio for the Gupta photo slideshow, I tried to contact my dear friend at the Grahamstown Police Department, Capt. Mali Govender. After a restful day in PE (this is speulation) it took me another three tries to get hold of her. This was immensely frustrating, because I just needed her interview before completing my FINAL article for Scifest. Eventually I got her on the line and asked my well-rehearsed set of exceptionally intelligent questions with my lecturer once again looming. This time, the interview went very well, as I had a clear focus and a clear idea of what exactly it was that I wanted from her. This made the interview process much smoother and conversational. The information I received was thus sufficient to finish my article.

This afternoon, I then sat down with Jude to edit the story. My brain cells have whithered away to the point where I couldn't even think of a good ending for my last Scifest story. But, it is done now and I am relieved. I will keep you updated for when our final story is posted.

Thanks for reading, tomorrow I will do a final round-up.


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